
Strategy-Wide Dilemmas for A Collaboration Incubator


The collaboration process is not driven by subject matter experts.
Subject matter experts may be much more knowledgeable about the topic but, for whatever reason, are not at the forefront of addressing the problem. There may have been previous attempts to take action, but with limited success.  The task of the collaboration incubator becomes one of bringing these people to the table, giving credit and appreciation for the efforts already undertaken, and adding others who can advance the discussion through their perspectives and information.

It’s a challenge to maintain commitment beyond planning.
A number of people enjoy the creativity of the discussion and planning phase and seem to be too busy to participate when action is needed. There is a need to talk about expectations upfront and identify participants who will remain committed to the effort beyond planning and well into the action plan. Creating ongoing opportunities for decision making is one way to help participants feel that their continued attendance is making a difference.

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