Search Results

Pages on the Collaborative Leaders Network website that are relevant to the search terms queried.

  1. From Idea Bank

    Politics, Science and Collaboration

     (Voted 0 times)

    …it changed. Whether or not accepted, we at least get to see where we each “come from” with our views. And it is harder to demonize the person we have sat with than it is to do with a complete stranger. We can be deliberate about making each process meaningful … regardless of the outcome. On the island of Kauai, Council Member JoAnn Yukimura is working with Peter Adler on the possibility of a Joint Fact Finding process on the highly emotional subje…

  2. From Examples

    The Ok Tedi Negotiations

     (Voted 0 times)

    …erceived injustice. Nonetheless, the negotiations achieved an important outcome and demonstrated a new and promising model for other discussions of similar scale and import. This paper describes the effort and offers reflections by the facilitators on what happened, how, and why. The opinions expressed are strictly those of the authors. All of the information the opinions are based on are matters of public record at and

  3. From Idea Bank

    YouTube: Superheroes Do Consensus

     (Voted 0 times)

    …The term “consensus” can mean different things to different people. Taking time early in a a collaborative process to ensure participants share the same definition and understanding is often useful. This short (4:36), animated video features an entertaining exchange about consensus between two  “superheroes” by…

  4. From Strategies

    Sample group charter

     (Voted 0 times)

    …e considered a success if: The [WORKING GROUP] establishes clear, consensus-based recommendations on the best alternatives to include in the EIS; The public is engaged in a meaningful way in evaluating the proposed project alternatives and in reviewing and commenting on the project EIS; Project decisions fit into the context of the surrounding communities and recognize and respect the unique transportation needs along the corridor; The project sch…

  5. From Leaders

    Convener’s Checklist

     (Voted 0 times)

    …be improved. If funding has been secured for the collaborative leadership effort, a summary of the process and the outcomes of the group will be communicated to funders. Download a PDF version of the checklist.…

  6. From Idea Bank

    A 21st Century Ahupua'a, Regional Food Security for Hawaii Nei

     (Voted 0 times)

    …whole.” Link:‑1 I see CLN as part of the solution to the contentious issues that are preventing lasting and really sustainable food security.  It is an honor to be a part of this forum, and I look forward to learning from you all. If the reader will indulge me for a few more minutes of their time, please let me provide a brief glimpse of the Hawaii Farmers Union’s vision to ac…

  7. From Strategies

    Which Strategy Best Fits Your Needs?

     (Voted 0 times)

    …luding: substance abuse, energy conservation, tourism, sustainability, and community indicators. A Community Engagement Strategy for Negotiating a Package of Community Benefits This process has been used when an organization seeks to give and gain the respect of a community that is impacted by one of its projects. A Collaborative Strategy Grounded in Polynesian Values This strategy has been used with village councils, community groups, schools, an…

  8. From Idea Bank

    Six Case Studies About Collaboration by the National Park Service

     (Voted 0 times)

    …ic Engagement, published in 2010 by the National Park Service. Learn about common collaborative themes that emerged from six case studies related to historic and protected lands, including a sacred burial ground, a recreational park, and a national preserve and park. The publication offers suggests strategies on what to do before convening, what it takes to be an effective leader through a collaborative process, and how to build team capacity and

  9. From About Us

    A Better Way

     (Voted 0 times)

    …nt and durable way. Real, lasting change—where everyone ends up better off—comes from engaging in authentic, well-managed conversations with people who see things differently. Working over three decades with communities, business leaders, and policy makers, I have come to see that collaborative problem solving offers the greatest potential for resolving really tough issues—even those that seem intractable. Cultivating a collaborative mindset and o…

  10. From Idea Bank

    Listening Projects Questions and Answers

     (Voted 0 times)

    …presentation on Listening Projects. Is all of your listening tour work one-on-one or do you work in group settings? Both. The focus group setting can be limiting, especially for people who feel shy in groups and where they are sharing personal information. I have found group formats to be productive when people have a shared affiliation. In the discussion, they start to feed off each other’s stories and realize they have a community they didn’t k…

About Us

This section includes the story of how the Collaborative Leaders Network (CLN) came about and a description of the team of facilitators behind the strategies offered here.

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