Search Results

Pages on the Collaborative Leaders Network website that are relevant to the search terms queried.

  1. Strategies

     (Voted 0 times)

    ā€¦ies with the hope that others will be inspired to add to the knowledge base and increase the capacity for collaborative leadership in our community. Download an overview of the strategiesā€¦

  2. From Leaders

    Common Mistakes

     (Voted 0 times)

    ā€¦hose impacted by the issue. No disclosure has been made at the front end that the decisions arrived at by the group will only be a set of recommendations. Download PDF version of Common Mistakesā€¦

  3. From Strategies


     (Voted 0 times)

    ā€¦others.ā€  In the course of working with a group that reflects malu alii, individuals gain access to their own spirit of collaboration ā€¦ which, in reality, has always been there. Download PDF version of Worldviewā€¦

  4. From Strategies

    Sample operating guidelines

     (Voted 0 times)

    ā€¦EFERENCE ENABLING ACT or LEGISLATION]; and Fund the co-facilitators. The Co-Facilitators: Co-Facilitators will assist the Operations Team prepare for and manage meetings, help identify issues and interests, help narrow options, and, to the greatest extent possible, facilitate achieving consensus among the Task Force members. They will do this by: Encouraging that the fullest possible range of perspectives are brought to bear on all discussions, inā€¦

  5. From Strategies

    Diagramming a problem

     (Voted 0 times)

    ā€¦angement of direct, indirect, and contributing factors until the resulting diagram reflects the consensus view of the group. In Practice View problem diagramā€¦

  6. From Idea Bank

    Workshop Announcement: Facilitative Skills for Collaborative Leaders

     (Voted 0 times)

    ā€¦etings. Meetings represent only one venue where collaborative leadership can be demonstrated, but they serve as a microcosm of an organizationā€™s dynamics and provide a useful place to practice and master oneā€™s leadership skills, whether in the role of participant or in-house facilitator. Click here for workshop information.ā€¦

About Us

This section includes the story of how the Collaborative Leaders Network (CLN) came about and a description of the team of facilitators behind the strategies offered here.

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