Present and explain the report to the executive or convener in a way that it is understood, accepted, and supported.
In presenting the plan, policy, strategy, or recommendations to the legislative chair, agency director, or other executive for whom the strategy was developed, it may be necessary to clarify the logic, assumptions, key tasks, and processes that underlie the choice of strategy. In most collaborative processes, the strategy selected by the group and the logic on which it was based will not be a surprise to the executive or convener.
The executive authority determines whether to accept the strategy submitted by the collaborative. He or she may also defer acceptance and ask for more information, analysis, broader stakeholder review, or other inputs. In the case of deferred acceptance of the strategy by the convener, the process team decides what further work or process would be an appropriate response.
Depending on what agreements regarding confidentiality were made, outside constituency groups may receive a version of the group’s output, although it may not be the full report submitted to the executive.
Setting the stage for implementation is a key consideration.