Develop a plan, set of recommendations, or policy document that describes the strategy the group has developed, the rationale for the strategy, and the process by which it was developed.
The final group task is to design and write a plan, set of recommendations, or policy document that is tangible evidence of the quality of the deliberations. The document should include an overview of the issue, details of the strategy, and a description of the rationale behind its development. Enumerating the step-by-step logic and the assumptions on which it is based will help to guide those who are charged with implementation.
The product itself can be written by group members, by staff, or by a consultant to the group. Key constituents who are not part of the group—including technical experts and those responsible for implementation—are often consulted and given opportunities to comment. Because participants in the group are responsible for the final document, there should be multiple opportunities for them to review and approve the content.
In addition to high quality plans, policies, or recommendations, a well-designed, well-executed collaborative strategy strengthens the habits of collaboration among participants.