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Kem Lowry


Kem Lowry, Ph.D., is a professor at the University of Hawaii, where he previously served as chair of the Department of Urban and Regional Planning and director of the Program on Conflict Resolution.

Kem is an experienced mediator and board member with the Center for Alternative Dispute Resolution. He has served as a consultant to state agencies and nonprofit organizations in Hawaii, as well as to the United Nations Development Program, UNICEF-China, the Agency for International Development, the Office of Technology Assessment, the Packard Foundation, the Asia Foundation, and the Partnership for the Management of the Seas of Asia.

Kem’s work on planning and environmental management, conflict resolution, and program evaluation has appeared in: American Planning Association Journal, Urban Law Annual, Publius, Environmental Impact Assessment Review, Policy Studies Review, Ocean Yearbook, Journal of Ocean and Coastal Management, Journal of Planning Theory, Journal of Planning Education, and Research and Coastal Management Journal.

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