What is the mission of Collaborative Leaders Network?
Our mission is to help leaders achieve better and more durable outcomes through collaborative facilitation.
What is the purpose of this website?
The purpose of the website is to provide information about the value of collaborative facilitation and encourage the sharing of ideas from a variety of people and viewpoints so that we can all become more effective at solving Hawaii’s toughest problems.
Is Collaborative Leaders Network pursuing other steps besides the website?
The release of the website is the first in a series of steps intended to support collaborative facilitation in Hawaii. Our plan for 2011 includes establishing local leadership of CLN and identifying critical problems that could benefit from collaborative facilitation.
Who is the website designed for?
The website is designed for everyone interested in collaborative facilitation. Much of the content—such as detailed strategies, tools, and ideas on the collaborative process—is aimed at practitioners. The Leaders section is aimed at educating the broader community about bringing diverse groups of people together to solve complex problems. The website continually grows thanks to additional content submitted by CLN members.
Who can access the website?
Anyone with an internet connection can access the website. In order to post material to the website, you must first join CLN.
Why should I join CLN?
Joining CLN is free and allows you to add content to the Examples and Idea Bank sections. Membership also enables you to comment on existing content and receive periodic updates from CLN.
If I join CLN, will you share my email address with anyone else?
Your email address will not be shared. Occasional emails will be sent to notify you of new materials and activities related to the Collaborative Leaders Network. You may unsubscribe at any time.
If I join CLN, how easy is it for me to cancel?
To cancel your membership, simply write to us at info@collaborativeleadersnetwork.org. You will no longer be able to add content to the website. If you wish to stop receiving email updates, please use the unsubscribe link in the corresponding email, or contact us at the above email address.
What kind of content can I find on the CLN website?
You will find a variety of information about collaborative facilitation on the CLN website including detailed maps of practitioners’ strategies, overview material about the collaborative process, background information on CLN, as well as ideas and examples that have been contributed by a variety of groups and individuals.
What kind of content can I submit?
Any content that you feel will be a valuable addition to our community is welcome. If you have specific questions about whether content is appropriate, contact info@collaborativeleadersnetwork.org.
Does CLN review or edit submissions before they are posted?
You must first join CLN to submit content. Once a user joins CLN, submissions to the Idea Bank will be posted immediately; submissions to the Examples section will be reviewed prior to being published. In terms of comments, once a member submits a comment that has been approved, all further comments will appear immediately.
What if I disagree with something on the website or have a different perspective?
CLN encourages the sharing of different perspectives. Content submitted by each member reflects the views of that member and may or may not align with that of CLN. Inappropriate and inflammatory material will be removed at CLN’s discretion.
Is it possible to contact the strategy map authors?
Contact information is listed for each strategy map author within their bio. Navigate to the About Us section of the website to view author bios.
How is Hawaiian language displayed on the website?
We recognize the significance of diacritical marks in the spoken Hawaiian language, but have opted not to use them on the CLN site since they display inconsistently across various computer platforms/ browsers.
Consult these sources for correct Hawaiian spelling: Hawaiian Dictionary, Revised and Enlarged Edition, by Mary Kawena Pukui and Samuel H. Elbert (UH Press) and Place Names of Hawai‘i, Revised and Expanded Edition, by Mary Kawena Pukui, Samuel H. Elbert and Esther T. Mookini (UH Press).
Will I be informed when there is new content on the website?
Periodic updates will be sent to inform members of new content on the website, but the updates may not include all new submissions. To stay informed about material posted to the website, visit the website regularly or subscribe to our RSS feed.
Are there plans to expand/grow the website?
The website is meant to be a meeting place for those interested in collaborative facilitation. It is our hope that the CLN community will continue to grow and spread the knowledge of collaborative facilitation and its effective use in Hawaii. The website is intended to be fluid and may be adapted to best serve the mission of Collaborative Leaders Network.
If I have more questions about the CLN website, who can I contact?
Please reach out to us at info@collaborativeleadersnetwork.org if you have any further questions.